Monday, May 10, 2010

Mary the Martians Earthly Adventure

Mary the Martian traveled to Earth from Mars to learn about our culture, the first thing she picks up is a People Magazine.
The first thing she sees a picture of a famous women on the cover, from the headlines she learns that the Earthlings enjoy dancing and bikinis, she also learns a Sunday school teacher killed a young earthling and that frightens her a little bit but she keeps on reading, she finds out Lindsey Lohan got a new bag, she suspects humans must like expensive bags. Shes sees the women dressed up in fancy dresses, showing skin and wearing a lot of makeup she concludes they must be insecure about their faces to have to cover it up with so much paint. Mary reads more, boob surgery and face surgery for wrinkles, wow she wonders in awe these beings really must be insecure in their natural skin. "OK i'v had just about enough of these beings and I haven't even met one!" she says, "I'm going back home to where things and creatures make sense!"

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